live with passion

be a part of something big. make it count. show yourself to the world. make a difference. live your passion. show your emotions. do what you love. make your own quotes. make people listen to your voice. be foxy. put yourself on the map. make the world your home. never forget your roots. meet exciting people. take risks. take the fall. smile. use everyday as an excuse to live. speak to strangers. be rare. make memories. take the first step. be the leading lady of your own life. never let anyone treat you like a small character. wear extravagant clothes. take care of those who care for you. be fierce. be trouble. kick negative in the ass. write your own words. read your own lyrics. smell like vanilla. take the first plane. make different cultures your friends. never sleep to long. never wake up to early. be forward. kiss passionatly. be beautiful. fall in love with yourself first. be extraordinary. 

don't make your life your dream. make your dream your life. 

- Veronica 


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